When you get right down to it, just about everyone uses word processing and spreadsheets in business. In fact, many small businesses run on just those tools, a browser, and an accounting system.

Microsoft Office System has been the industry standard for desktop productivity software for years, but it is not resting on its laurels. Each release brings new functionality and better interoperability. Even the basic version includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook, as well as document imaging and scanning utilities, making the Office System an office essential.

Add to that MS Access for powerful workgroup database applications that you can publish on your Sharepoint sites, and Business Contact Manager for a feature-packed CRM, and the Microsoft Office System is nearly all the functionality many businesses need for their daily operations.

The storage and sharing of business documents is at the top of every company’s priority list. Adobe Acrobat is the world standard document exchange format. At this point, it really is universal. Microsoft Office applications can create PDF files, but to edit them, and use the advanced features (such as email archiving) you need Acrobat Professional.

Jenisys will put the right tools on your desktop. Ask us about it.
