Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) is the foundation upon which our systems are built. Microsoft developed SBS initially as a scaled-down version of its server suite Back Office Server, targeting small businesses both in terms of system scale and cost of ownership. After 14 years and 5 major releases, SBS has become the most popular server OS for small businesses in America, and for 2 good reasons - it is incredibly powerful, and it is a great value.

Although SBS will probably never be the “run it right out of the box” product that Microsoft envisioned, it is amazingly low-maintenance once it is installed and set up, especially considering the wealth of functionality it provides. Available in Standard and Premium versions, SBS is built on Windows Standard Server 2008 and allows up to 75 concurrent users.

The Standard edition includes Exchange Server 2007, Sharepoint Server 3.0, IIS Server 7, and Fax Server in addition to the services provided by its core component, Windows Standard Server, while the Premium edition includes SQL Standard Server and a 2nd Windows Standard Server 2008 license.

If your existing system is not built upon SBS, or you are a startup company looking for the right system, contact us
